Advent 2018 – Day 19

In a few days, people all over the country will be traveling home for Christmas. I am glad that wherever you settle for the holidays, you can still read about God’s “I WILL” promises here.

As I mentioned once before, 2017 marked our first Christmas in our new apartment. We lived in our previous home for over 40 years, and we experienced lots of laughter and blessings there. In all that time, however, I never felt a strong emotional attachment to the house. If God had asked me to pack up and move at any time in those years, I could have said goodbye to that physical structure without regrets.

I feel very different about our new apartment. I love every square foot of it (with the possible exception of the piles of papers that clutter my desk). What never happened in my previous home, occurred here the first night: This is home. This is where I can relax and kick off my shoes. This is where I hope to settle in and dwell for years to come.

In John 14:23, Jesus said to his disciples, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.” We know God is preparing a place for us to live with him in Heaven, but in the meantime, He promises to make his home within us!

Does the Lord feel at home in your heart? Is he merely a visitor sitting primly in the living room of your heart, or does he dwell there? Why not invite him to settle in, relax, and kick off his shoes?


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