Advent 2018 – Day 20

We are almost through Advent. Do you have a favorite “I WILL” promise from God? I’ve been looking forward to today because, of all God’s promises to me, this is my favorite.

My son John’s youngest girl, Lydia, will be experiencing her first Christmas this year. Her dark hair and brown eyes glow as she looks at the ornaments on the tree. Lydia cannot yet walk, so John or his wife Kelly carry her everywhere in their arms. Watching them, I think of the message of Isaiah 46:3,4:

“Listen to me, descendants of Jacob,
all you who remain in Israel.
I have cared for you since you were born.
Yes, I carried you before you were born.

I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
I will carry you along and save you.”

Reading the previous chapters, you’d find that the craftsmen of the land have been carving idols out of wood. When people needed the idol in a different place, however, the priests had to carry the figure in their arms or haul it in a wagon because the god could not walk on its own strength. The wooden idol had no power to meet its own needs, let alone the needs of those who worshiped it. How different our God is: He has made us and he carries us!

Over a decade ago, I remember our son John tenderly carrying his frail grandfather up our front stairs so that Opa could join the family at the table for a holiday meal. What a picture of our God’s gentle care for us when our hair turns gray!

Where has the Lord carried you this day? Pause to give him thanks.


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