Advent 2015: Day 13


Jesus attended the wedding in Cana along with his mother and his disciples. As we noted yesterday, Mary quietly approached Jesus, drew him aside, and whispered in his ear, “They have no wine left.”



Mary knew her son. He had not performed miracles in public before this time, yet his mother never doubted that Jesus could resolve the wine shortage at wedding in Cana. And her trust was not misplaced. Without saying a word to those in authority – the father of the bride, the groom or the steward of the feast – Jesus simply turned the water into wine.



The apostle John tells us that Jesus used this first miracle to “reveal himself to his disciples” (John 2:11). This miracle led them to believe in him. Note that John said the event caused the disciples to believe. He didn’t mention Mary. Why? Because Mary already believed.


What difference would it make if we truly believed God could work in and through our children, our nieces and nephews, our grandchildren? As Christ changes their lives, what other people might observe and also choose to believe?


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