Welcome back to the second installment of our Advent season. “God’s Love Story” unfolded over thousands of years, but ours will take only 24 days.
February 2, 1941…Dad’s letters since the previous November were full of descriptions of girls he met in college and seminary. They went skating, watched movies, went on picnics, and danced until 1:00 am. In this February letter he had a date with another girl. Describing their time together, my father told his parents, “Much as I like Virginia, she isn’t quite the girl I would consider marrying.”
Dad knew what kind of girl he wanted to marry and he had high standards. This girl did not fill the bill. How many of us are glad we did not marry the first person we dated? Waiting can be hard, but I am so thankful that I waited for the right man to come into my own life!
In a similar way, many people explore or “date” other faiths that appear interesting. The Hindu pantheon might seem intriguing. Buddhism might attract some. Islam can feel intimidating. However, none of these faiths offer complete assurance of acceptance and eternal peace with God. Only Christ can fill that longing. He promised that all who have faith in him would become forever children of God.
Peter understood this. When Jesus asked if the disciples wanted to leave him, Peter replied, “Lord, to whom else can we turn? Your words are the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)
My father wanted the very best as a wife. In Christ, we have the gold standard. Take a moment today to think of all the blessings He has brought into your path.