Advent 2023 – Day 18

Only seven days until Christmas! I trust that these Advent devotionals are helping you appreciate the great variety of people in your “Legacy of Faith.” I also hope that these brief thoughts are preparing your heart to welcome Jesus, the root of our faith.

Have you ever considered the impact that doctors, nurses, dentists and caregivers can have on our lives? What about emergency providers like the firemen and policemen? Most entered their profession because they wanted to serve. Many of them are people of faith.

Back in 2017, I faced excruciating back pain. After I had PT, epidural injections, scans and exams, I still walked bent over at a 45-degree angle. My surgeon explained what caused that pain. Dr. Wolf rattled off a long list of culprits, including my osteoporosis, stenosis, spondylitis, scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis, to name just a few.

Dr. Wolf is a brilliant surgeon. Over the course of four surgeries, he has reconstructed much of my spine. However, the truly extraordinary thing is to see his humility. He has made his hands available to the Lord to complete the complex surgeries needed to correct all these problems. As a man of prayer, he placed me in God’s care before each of my operations. After one difficult surgery, I experienced a period of discouragement. Had God abandoned me? When Dr. Wolf visited my hospital room, he gave medical advice and encouragement but also offered a much needed prayer.

In John 5, Jesus met a lame man near the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him, “Would you like to get well?” I can understand the relief that lame man felt after Jesus touched him. Today, I too can stand and walk without pain. This is as close to resurrection as I can imagine while I am still in this earthly body.

Do you know a nurse or doctor or emergency responder? Today presents a good opportunity to express your gratitude to them and also to God for His care!


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