Meet my Agent!

Last month, I explained how we all need a guide as we step into unfamiliar territory. My attending a writers’ conference led to six of my books being published. And this month? I took another step on this journey. For the first time, I have a literary agent!

Non-fiction manuscripts rarely require an agent, but fiction books do. Thus, once more I am walking in new paths as I shift to the fiction genre. Michelle Lazurek at WordWise Media will be representing my series of historical novels about the Gospel writers. And, yes, I met Michelle at another writers’ conference last August. I will lean on her expertise as she walks me through unfamiliar paths.

Michelle is a speaker, author and pastor’s wife in addition to being a literary agent. Like me, she loves hospitality. In her own words, “I equip overwhelmed Christians to reach their potential so they can fulfill their life’s mission.”

What does an agent do? Michelle works to make my book as professional as possible. She represents my work as she talks to publishers. She researches which publisher might have interest in my kind of manuscript, and she mediates contracts to protect my interests.

Doesn’t that sound like what God expects of us? We are His agents, representing Jesus Christ. Like Michelle talking to publishers, you and I are tasked with sharing the Gospel. Not everyone will be interested. But those who do respond will enter into a forever contract with the Lord of the Universe!


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