A final “Moving Experience”

The deed is done! We are officially ensconced in our new home!

After months of sorting-tossing-donating, packing, repairing, and cleaning, we are at last able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. But that small word “our” encompasses far more than the labor of just my husband and myself. So many people helped us along the journey.

Our daughter posted items for sale on Craigslist. My brother and friends helped us set up and tear down for our yard sale. A team of friends, including our son, loaded the van and emptied it at the new location. My daughter-in-law provided breakfast for the crew of volunteers, another friend supplied water and fresh watermelon, before yet another friend from church brought lunch for the entire team.

Nor did it end with the actual move. A dear friend and her husband invited us for lunch the next day so I would not have to prepare a meal when my kitchen was still in boxes. Several days later, still another friend arrived to unpack and organize closets. And the residential staff from the retirement community have been busy hanging pictures and making small repairs in the new place. The entire process has been amazing.

And humbling. After a lifetime of giving, I am not used to being the recipient of so much kindness. For example, on the day of the move, my prayer partner gathered all our dirty sheets and towels, washed them and returned them to us so that we could start our first night in the new home with all fresh linens. It is humbling to have someone else do your laundry.

We are amazed. We are humbled. We are grateful.


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