A New Publisher!

It is official!  Both my very first book Why Say No When My Hormones Say Go? and my newest release Standing Tall After Falling Short carry the imprint of WingSpread, but as of the beginning of November, WingSpread has been bought out by Moody Publishers. As a result future editions of my books will carry the Moody imprint.

Moody Publishers is well respected in the Christian marketplace.  “There is a bedrock of trust of Moody Publishers in the industry,” says Jerry B. Jenkins co-author of the Left Behind Series.  Current Moody authors include Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, and Nancy Leigh DeMoss who is the host and teacher for Revive Our Hearts—a radio program for women heard daily on over 700 radio outlets.  By acquiring WingSpread, Moody has also become the publisher of the complete works of A.W. Tozer.

This relationship with Moody Publishers offers opportunity for my own books to reach vast new audiences!



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