
Advent 2022 – Day 5

Welcome back to the fifth of these Advent thoughts about “God’s Love Story”! Have you wondered how my father overcame the obstacle of distance in his love story? In that same February 2, 1941 letter, my father wrote, “She’s a perfectly lovely looking girl with that beautiful English coloring and complexion and she has the …

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Advent 2022 – Day 2

Welcome back to the second installment of our Advent season. “God’s Love Story” unfolded over thousands of years, but ours will take only 24 days. February 2, 1941…Dad’s letters since the previous November were full of descriptions of girls he met in college and seminary. They went skating, watched movies, went on picnics, and danced …

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Rain and shine

I don’t often write poetry but I do like to play with sounds and words, so enjoy this recent poem I wrote. Read it aloud just for a change! Rein in my wayward soul, Father. Rain Your grace upon my frequent failures. Reign with peace over my turbulent spirit, so that my life forever shines …

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