Advent 2016 – Day 20

Christmas is only a few days away! Thanks for sticking with me for the remaining Advent devotionals on “Thanking Jesus.” We have been tracing stories of individuals throughout scripture who chose to thank God.

Luke tells us, in chapter 7 of his gospel, about a day when Jesus was having dinner at the home of a Pharisee. A woman of dubious reputation entered the house carrying a jar of expensive perfume. Kneeling before Jesus, she began weeping and washing his feet with the perfume, wiping them with her long hair.

From the Pharisee’s perspective, this event only confirmed his opinion that Jesus was no prophet. But from Jesus’ perspective, the woman’s actions were a demonstration of her thanks. “I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, thus she has shown me much love.”

The Pharisee offered no words of gratitude for all God’s blessings on his life – his home, his education, his social position, the food on his table – but the woman gave the best she had in order to express her thanks for God’s forgiveness.

Has God forgiven you? Sometimes words cannot express our gratitude for that gift, but our actions can demonstrate to others how much God has done for us. What act of gratitude can you offer God today?


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