Today is the last day of our “Advent Adventure.” Christmas arrives tomorrow! But remember, the adventures are not over. We will continue to learn to trust God in new ways throughout our lives.
Jungle training camp was over and at last we campers reunited at the airfield to fly out of the jungle and back to civilization. We were happy to leave behind mud and roaches. We looked forward to hot showers and flushing toilets. All of us were changed. We were stronger and more confident of the Lord’s power to protect His children.
Each of us went through an exit interview. I had to laugh when the staff informed me of their assessment of my skills: “We observed that you are lacking in the area of pioneering skills.” I thought, I could have told you that five months ago and saved all of us a lot of trouble! But their assessment did not mean that they could not use me. I was not being dismissed and sent home. I might not be a match for a jungle assignment, but there was plenty of other work for me to do.
How would they have assessed Jesus’ work here on earth? He arrived as an infant. He grew up in Nazareth and learned Torah with his friends. He taught for three years. When he died on a cross, not one of his followers understood what he had done. Had his time been wasted?
However, it didn’t matter how people on earth assessed his ministry. His heavenly Father had the final word. The resurrection was the final assessment of the Father: His approval. The journey was over. Jesus returned to heaven, victorious.
Jesus has arrived at last. A new year is beginning. You may lack some skills as I did. Computers humble me and make me feel dumb. But there is still plenty of work for each of us to do in God’s kingdom. Go and serve him! Merry Christmas!
This Advent Adventure made me think about what Jesus gave up in order to come to earth.