New Job!

Breaking news:  On the spur of the moment I joined a group called the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (  This provides an opportunity for me to interface with other Christian writers and speakers on a regular basis.

On August 6, you can find me filling the role of keynote speaker at the annual Youth Explosion conference in Harrisburg, talking to the teens about sexual purity.  Then in the afternoon I’ll be leading two additional workshops on the topic of homosexuality.  I’ll focus on the question, How can we extend love to gays without compromising the integrity of scripture?

Next? On August I’m off to the Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference.  There I’ll be offering a workshop called “Confidentially Yours: Ethics in non-fiction writing.”  This talk will delve into the issues of changing details and using pseudonyms to protect the identity of clients but also ask the question, How much can we change without compromising the truth?

While at the conference, I will also have a chance to meet other AWSA members and to encourage new writers as well.  To find out more about the conference go to

As for my job with Bethany Christian Services, the adoption agency where I began working in March, I have been assigned the responsibility of revising the entire training manual that we use in our post-adoption family groups.



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