Awake, my soul!

This morning I woke up at 4:00 a.m. After an hour of tossing this way and that, I pummeled my pillow one last time and gave up trying to go back to sleep. I felt like a grouchy bear coming out of hibernation. I reasoned I could at least use this early hour to pray and to study my Bible. Reluctantly, I turned on the light.

I began reviewing the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The story was familiar to me. In fact, I had already written an entire book about this man (see my book Help! My Family’s Messed Up! published by Kregel). But now the Lord pointed out how Joseph never complained about his time in prison. When the baker and cupbearer saw their dreams fulfilled within three days, Joseph did not grouse that over a decade had already passed by and his own dreams were yet to be fulfilled.

You’d think that, after two hours of prayer and Bible study, my inner grouchy bear would have returned to his den, but when the clock struck 7:00, I was still prowling and growling. I wanted to go back to sleep. Instead, the Lord urged me out of bed.

Unhappy about facing another day, I threw off my covers.

Unenthusiastic about beginning my daily regime of physical therapy exercises, I thrust open my curtains.

A spectacular gift greeted me! The Lord had painted the entire sky a brilliant pink. It stretched from the east all the way to the west. I was overwhelmed by the beauty. If I had stayed in bed two minutes longer, I would have missed the sight altogether! My complaints suddenly felt petty. God’s grace overwhelmed me.

“New every morning are Your mercies, O Lord!” (Lam. 3:23)


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